(Solution) Math 225N Week 2 Lab assignment

Step 4: Select one of the articles found through the search and be sure that a frequency distribution is shown somewhere in the article.  If possible, use “full text – PDF” option to glance through it.  A frequency distribution will have numeric classes such as 0-9, 10-19, 20-29 and so on.  It will not have classes such as female and male.  Be sure the classes are numeric.  The frequency may be presented as a table or a graph, either is fine.

Step 5: Type answers to the following questions on your lab Word document:

  1. What search term(s) did you use and why did you decide to use that search term?  Include how many articles were found and the full APA citation of the article you are using for this lab.
  2. What data are shown in the frequency distribution and why might it be of interest?  Include the size of the classes, noting if they are of a consistent size or not.  Also include a conclusion that could be made from the frequency distribution. (1 to 2 paragraphs)
  3. How else might these data have been displayed?  Discuss pros and cons of 2 other presentation options, such as tables or different graphical displays (1 to 2 paragraphs)

Step 6:  Be sure your name is on the Word document, save it, and then submit it under “Assignments” and “Week 2: Lab”.


Search Terms Used

For the purpose of obtaining a study on frequency distribution, there are various search terms that I used. These are frequency distribution and patients. The reason for choosing these search terms was informed by the need to obtain a frequency distribution of patients in any setting. Being a nurse, any patient information would be fundamental in having a deeper understanding of patients. The search result returned 692 articles which have been published in the last one year. However, given the fact that I did not have any specific option for patients, I chose the first article that appeared. Below is the APA citation of the article.

Vaezi, A., Fakhim, H., Abtahian, Z., Khodavaisy, S., Geramishoar, M., Alizadeh, A., … & Badali, H. (2018). Frequency and Geographic Distribution of CARD9 Mutations in Patients With Severe Fungal Infections. Frontiers in microbiology9. 10.3389/fmicb.2018.02434

Data in the Frequency Distribution in the Article

The data shown in the frequency distribution is the number of CARD9 Mutations cases in patients with severe fungal infection in respect to the age of the patients. Taking this into consideration, the classes in the frequency distribution is age groups. Specifically, the age has been split into three classes; less than 20 years, between 20 and 60 years, as well as over 60 years. In this perspective, it can be argued that the classes are not of consistent size…..Please click the Paypal icon below to purchase full solution for only $10