(Solution) amp 450v Week 2 discussion 2

Consider your current work environment and your role as a member of the health care team. What can you do to encourage collaboration and demonstrate stewardship?


In this era of technology advancements, team collaboration has become the most effective approach to problem resolution. However, creating and sustaining team collaboration can be highly challenging and thus the team needs to have effective strategies for collaboration enhancement. Being the nurses’ team leader in my current work place, I ought to be a steward leader in order to facilitate team work collaboration. Firstly, to enhance collaboration and demonstrate stewardship, it is paramount to create self-awareness and self-conscious to understand own strengths for team work in order to leverage them in team work (Karazivan et al., 2015). This can be achieved via self-reflection. Secondly, creating and sustaining an atmosphere for information sharing through avoiding dismissing, ridiculing or yelling at other team members for asking questions or delivering ideas. One ought to practice critical listening….Please click the Paypal icon below to purchase full solution for only $5