(Solution) Hist 405N Week 4 quizzes essay

For what reasons did the colonists oppose taxation by the British? What methods did the colonists employ in their protests, and what were the effects of their protests?


By the end of the 1970s, Britain had established many colonies across North America. Hurt (2018) indicates that most of the American Colonists thought themselves as British citizens under the subject of King George III. Nonetheless, in 1965, the Parliament passed the Quartering Act, which required the colonists to come up with various ways for paying for lodging for the British soldiers in America.  With the French-Indian war over, Du Rivage (2017) explains that most of the colonists thought that there was no need for soldiers to be stationed in the colonies. Besides, the British were a dire need of money for the purpose of paying for its debt war. Taking this into consideration, the Parliament thought that taxing the colonists was fundamental in generating more money to cater to the aforementioned needs…..Please click the Paypal icon below to purchase full solution for only $5