(Solution) NR 660 Week 3: Literature to Support Course Project

What evidence or information are you discovering in the literature to support your project?


It is apparent that SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation) communication in the healthcare environment is a crucial component in the realization of efficient enhancement of care and service delivery. Earlier, I had limited knowledge regarding SBAR communication, a situation that obstructed my judgment on its ability to improve communication between nurses and the patients. According to Randmaa, Mårtensson, Swenne, and Engström (2014), SBAR communication is a distinctive technique that enables prompt communication amongst healthcare staff including physicians and nurses within a healthcare setup. With SBAR communication technique in place, there are increased chances of rectifying communication failures as well as medical errors, which hampers quality delivery of care services. Therefore, with sufficient knowledge, there is an increased chance of improving healthcare communications considerably.

From the literature, I have gained substantial insights concerning SBAR communication in a….Please click the Paypal icon below to purchase full solution for only $5