The process of project management has five phases:(1) design and initiation, which you just completed;(2) finalizing your plan before implementation, which you will do now; (3) implementation;(4) monitor and control; and finally, (5) evaluation and lessons learned (as well as knowledge transfer).
During Phase 2 (finalizing the project plan), you will continue to create the tools and documents you will need when you implement your project as the project manager in Phase 3.
Week 4: Communications Plan
Week5: Deliverables and Critical SuccessFactors (CSFs)
Week6:WorkBreakdown Structure(WBS) andGanttChart
Week7:RiskManagementandHumanResource Management Plans
In this assignment, studentsact as project manager to develop and facilitateproject communication, including the variety of communication needs for all team members and stakeholders. Theprojectmanager isresponsibleforall projectcommunication. Thecommunication plan theproject managerdevelopsand disseminates must detail thetypesofcommunication expectedthroughout the project.It also documentshowtheinformation andreportswill be sharedand when.
To assist you, there is a document you will complete and attach as an appendix to the professional paper you will submit and an example of communication planning in Course Resources.
Due Date: Sundayat 11:59 p.m.MTat the endof Week4
Total Points Possible:50
- Completethe Communication Plan document.Attach as an appendix to the professional paper you will develop, following the Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers document found in Course Resources.
- Grammar, spelling,punctuation, references,andcitations must beconsistent withformal academicwriting and APAformatasexpressedinthesixth edition of the manual.
Communication Plan
Communication is the key to ensuring the success of a project. Effective communication can be realized through the development of a communication plan which as described by Tonchia (2018) is a simple tool used to enable effective communication between the project manager and the clients, team, as well as other stakeholders. The important roles of a communication plan include setting clear communication guidelines, increasing the visibility of the project’s status, ensuring the project is aligned to its goals and boosting the performance and productivity of team communications (Butt, Naaranoja, & Savolainen, 2016). This paper presents a communication plan developed to communicate with the key stakeholders of the project of implementing a comprehensive discharge plan to reduce the rate of 30-days readmissions among patients with chronic heart failure.
The stakeholders involved include the Cardiovascular Unit nurse (CVU) manager, the Cardiovascular intensive care unit (CVICU) manager, the emergency department (ED) manager, and the nursing team in CVU, CVICU, and ED.
Cardiovascular Unit Nurse (CVU) Manager
Communication with the CVU manager will include emails, status reports, and face-to-face meetings. According to Tonchia (2018), an email is a productive approach to communication of crucial information, particularly when the team is in different geographical locations. The CVU manager is usually very occupied and getting frequent in-person meetings can be very challenging. As such, emails will be used to update the CVU manager on the important aspects of the project. This communication will ensure clarity and straightforwardness to ensure important information is conveying effectively. The status reports are used to….Please click the icon below to purchase full answer at only $10