Wrapping up CGE Part I
At the end of each discussion, you are asked to provide a summary of your learning for the week. This reflective summary should focus on one or two key takeaway points that you feel are valuable to you as a rising executive leader. Take some time to review your discussion summaries and choose one or two of the biggest “Aha!” moments of the course, then tell us about them and why they are important in your development as an executive leader.
According to Cherry and Jacob (2016), project management skills are highly fundamental in the nursing and healthcare industry overall as they help in controlling costs, managing risk, and improving project outcomes. They equally provide pragmatic and practical approaches for the implementation of projects in the healthcare setting (Zaccagnini & Pechacek, 2019). This nr631 course was substantially enriching. The one thing that interested me most is that I was able to successfully compile all the required parts of my project Implementing comprehensive discharge planning to reduce 30-days readmission rate for patients with congestive heart failure (CHF). Initially, after going through the course requirements, discussions, and assignments, I was overwhelmed by the many activities ahead of me. One by one, with the guidance of the instructor and my preceptor, I made it. Today, I know much about project development than I did before……Please click the icon below to purchase full answer at only $5